Frequently asked questions

Check the most frequently asked questions about the online shop below.
If your question is not covered in the list, please contact us.

How do I register and create a user account in the online shop?  

You can register under My Account by clicking on the “Login or Register” button. Enter your e-mail address and click on “Sign in”. If you do not yet have an account, a new account will be created when you log in for the first time. You will receive an e-mail with an access code within a minute. This is generated each time you log in and sent to you automatically. If you have not received an e-mail with the access code, please check your spam or quarantine folder. You can contact us at if you have not received an access e-mail after half an hour.

You will receive a new access code by e-mail each time you log in.

How do I get access to my purchased learning content after the purchase?

Log in to the shop. Click on the product via My account in the dashboard to access the learning content.

Are there products available as CDs and/or downloads?

We have been offering our learning content exclusively online since 2024. We do no longer any CD-sale or download of content.

Can I use the learning content I have acquired on different devices?  

Depending on the product, we suggest viewing the learning content on a computer or laptop, as size and navigation is suboptimal on an handheld device.

What are the technical requirements for using the learning materials in the online shop?

Our learning contents are online e-learning programmes and therefore only require access to the Internet. If media such as videos do not work at your workplace, this is often due to restrictive firewalls. In this case, please contact your local IT support.

Is there a way to give feedback on the learning materials or report problems?

For feedback on our learning materials, please contact us at

There is also a contact form in Medsurf. This can also be used to contact us.

Is there a return option for products purchased in the online shop?

A return is not possible.

As a teacher or institution, can I buy large quantities of licences and conclude licence agreements?

Depending on the product, you can purchase an unlimited number of licences for a fixed price. Please note the additional information on the individual product pages. For licence agreements, please contact us by e-mail at

Information for Swiss universities

Are we exempt from VAT?

As a Swiss university, you can purchase our products VAT-exempt. Please create a user account in our online shop and then send us an e-mail to stating your registered e-mail address. We will then check your enquiry and, if the check is successful, we will enter the VAT exemption in your user account so that you can purchase all products without VAT in future.

Useful information for resellers

Is it possible to resell the products as a reseller?

We do not currently offer this option via this online shop. As a reseller, please contact Unauthorised resale is not permitted.